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Friday, January 8, 2016

do while loop in PHP

do while loop in PHP

The do…while Loop executes the statement once and then check the condition.
The number is 1
The number is 2
The number is 3
The number is 4
The number is 5
In the above example
variable $i hold value=”1″. first execute the statement inside do.
after that it check while condition($i<=5). So the given statements execute 5 times.

Write a program to display table of given number.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Enter your table
In the above example
Create text-box and a button using HTML script. Logic is performed inside PHP script.
First we collect the value entered by user using $_GET. $i hold value=1.
to print the table of 10. ($t=$tab*$i) this condition multiply the entered value with $x(initial value) value is increment after every iteration.
While check ($i<=10). so the while( ) loop executes the statement 10 times. Output will generate table of 10.

Nested do – while

Write a program to display more than one table at a time.
In the above example
we display more than one table, nested do while loop is used.
Declare three variable $n hold vale=”1″
$i hold value=”0″
$t hold value=”0″

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